Talent Sourcing For Recruiting Agencies

We improve agency placement rates while reducing cost to source. Our Talent Assistants work full time, dedicated to you.


Outbound connections per week via LinkedIn


Qualified, interested candidates per week


Cost per hire on average across multiple jobs

Maximize your ROI

Recruiters create value when screening candidates

Yet most recruiters spend 70-80% of their time on sourcing, leaving only 20-30% for screening candidates + other high ROI tasks.

Sourcing is just a numbers game

Outsource sourcing to our TAs

Focus internal resources on high value tasks

Improve placement rates while reducing cost to source

Strategies that work

Elasticity is essential to running an efficient agency.

  • We provide rapid scale to outbound sourcing during peak periods without the need to carry additional overhead during downturns.

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Why it Works


Our proprietary platform provides real time reporting and visibility into each TA's activities.


Visibility yields rapid feedback. Adjustments occur within hours, not days. New TAs become highly effective in under 3 days.


Each Talent Assistant is dedicated only to you, 40 hours/week. Full flexibility to switch priority roles as needed.

Accelerate Candidate Pipeline

Add 15-20 qualified, interested, ready to screen candidates every week.

Real-time Visiblity

Visibility is how we guarantee quality.

We get it, outsourcing makes people nervous. We have solved it by giving you full transparency into everything we do.

Dashboard to view all connections

Full control over scripting and messaging cadence

Full visibility to LinkedIn conversations

In-app messaging with your Talent Assistant

Real-time notifications via email or slack when candidates are ready to screen

Sourcing Platform included

Everything in One Place

Our platform is designed to help you manage your entire sourcing process.
